To be used for all public and private speaking events, seminars & presentations.
Speech Topic - The Abundant Workaholic
(Available in 45-90 minute Keynote and Half or Full Day Seminar formats)
Keynote speaker, James Erdt dynamically shares his tips, tricks and best little secrets to enhance modern workaholism in the information age. Today's work place and educational institutions are plagued with multiple distractions, poor health choices and a tendency to overwork just to stay in the game. Does this sound familiar to you? Discover the 5 "F" Word Formula to balance out your lifestyle through Fitness, Food, Family, Finances and Fun. Get inspired by simple, easy and effective tools and tidbits of wisdom that will empower you to succeed regardless of what you do for a living!
This keynote speech will motivate you to be the best that you can be personally and professionally for your family, your circle of influence and most importantly YOU! James will wow you with his motivating story of overcoming addictions, near death experiences, negative influences and two spinal surgeries on his way to building the globally recognized and very successful brands, Fitness STAR International and Joyzone Inc as well as his new project, DYNAMO Entrepreneur. Get ready to utilize some great practical ideas and real-world concepts that will work in your very own life and business!
Audience Features and Benefits:
- 5 ‘F’ Word Formula survey for each audience attendee so they can see where their life balance is in regards to Fitness, Food, Family, Finances and Fun.
- 5 best practices of healthy active entrepreneurs and abundant workaholics.
- 5 keys to world-class performance personally & professionally with a winning mind-set, the attitude of gratitude and learning how to tune into abundance.
- Personal leadership lessons through engaging story telling to be strong, focused and healthy through life challenges and overcoming adversity.
- Constant multi-media audience engagement and exciting active participation.
- Complimentary eBook ‘101 Joytips for Healthy Active Living’ for all attendees.

James Erdt Bio:
James Erdt is a sought-after speaker, award winning author, success coach and philanthropist plus the public TV Host of ‘The DYNAMO Show’.
He has been featured on Rogers TV, CBC, CBS, BT, City TV, Muchmusic and in the Toronto Star, Mississauga News as well as numerous fitness magazines and websites.
James is the ‘Chief Architect of WOW’ for DYNAMO Entrepreneur, which is an innovative, socially responsible organization, dedicated to guiding people of all ages, predominantly visionaries, thought-leaders and game-changers.
By creating leading edge products, popular social networks and engaging events, he consistently strives to better people and inclusively enhance the world for all.
Paying it forward, James is the CHAIR of the REVIVER Rejuvenation Ranch for at-risk youth supporting teens, to make positive and proactive decisions to live healthier, safer and better lives especially for those who have lost their way.
James Erdt's mission statement is “Sustainably empowering people, prosperity and planet!”
Amongst other awards, some of the most notable that James has acquired are being nominated for Canadian Personal Trainer of the Year 2005, Canadian Fitness Manager of the Year 2005, Top Revenue Generating Trainer ever in the 26 year history of the largest fitness company in Canada at the time.
- Canada's TOP 40 Under 40 Award Nominee 2009
- Canada's TOP 40 Under 40 Award Nominee 2010
- 1st Place Speaker's Gold Canadian Motivational Speaker Talent Search 2008
- Canada's TOP 40 Under 40 Award Nominee 2009
- Canada's TOP 40 Under 40 Award Nominee 2010
- 1st Place Speaker's Gold Canadian Motivational Speaker Talent Search 2008
Testimonial: (Many more testimonials available upon request or on JamesErdt.com website)
"James Erdt is a perfectionist who brings an incredible vision and immeasurable work ethic to the task at hand! His high energy, ambition and drive on and off the stage is not only admirable, but makes him an absolute joy to work with. There are few individuals in today’s business world who possess his business ethics, commitment and passion! James is a dynamic, entertaining and witty speaker. He will WOW you! Definitely delivers bang for your buck! Money well spent."
~ Michael Ryan Thibodeau
Founder, MRT Concepts Inc.
Testimonial: (Many more testimonials available upon request or on JamesErdt.com website)
“When James Erdt speaks from the heart, you feel the energy from his smile and aura. He draws the audience in with his charismatic, yet real, raw and gritty story telling. James takes you on a journey from darkness to total light in the mesmerizing chapters of his life. This level of honesty is very rare and inspires, motivates and educates the listener to look within their very own life. When entertaining his audience, he brings out the best in them by involving all of them in active participation making each person feel special! I highly recommend James as a keynote speaker! He is most definitely a rare gem!”
~ Jennifer Ettinger
Founder, Fit Your Style / Best Selling Author “Find Your Inner Goddess”

James Erdt - Speaking Fee Schedule
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Now accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum & Dogecoin
45-90 minutes = $5,000 USD (or BTC / ETH / DOGE Cryptocurrency)
Half-day seminar = $7,000 USD (or BTC / ETH / DOGE Cryptocurrency)
(Two 60 minute sessions with 15 minute break)
Full-day seminar = $8,500 USD (or BTC / ETH / DOGE Cryptocurrency)
(Four 60 minute sessions with 15 minute breaks and 60 minute lunch)
- Student promo: Elementary Schools, High Schools & Universities ONLY pay 1/10th of my regular speaking fee
- Sessions: Can be same topic with different groups or up to 4 different topics.
- Non-Profit: Contact directly to discuss. A percentage of James’s speaking is pro-bono for charities making the world a better place. The gift is in the giving. J
Payment Terms and Expenses:
- 50% of the speaking fee is due upon contract signing.
- Full payment required on day of event.
- Payments via certified cheque, bank transfer, email transfer or credit card.
- Fees stated above do not include applicable travel expenses. Specifically, return flights, hotel accommodations and ground transportation expenses.
James Erdt - AV Requirements: (for Keynotes / Seminars)
PLEASE NOTE: These are very important requirements, not suggestions. They are essential tools needed by James Erdt in order to deliver his presentation so that it is a success for your organization. Please ensure that these instructions are received by your audiovisual technicians so that your event runs smoothly and any questions can be answered well in advance. If you have any questions, please contact us ASAP. (James can also receive texts in case of emergency while on stage as it is on silent in pocket.)
Please read the specific following requirements carefully and ensure that everything is in place. Thank you. It is greatly appreciated.
Headset microphone and 2 wireless, handheld condenser microphones (with new batteries installed and back up batteries on hand close by stage).
Standard Macbook Laptop and Projector Connection with Audio:
James Erdt will control the flow of presentation slides and video that requires audio from his own Macbook. Please provide a Macbook or PC as a backup. Please assure current version of Quicktime media player is installed or Microsoft PowerPoint is installed on a PC if you don't have access to a Macbook Laptop. James has presentation done in both Keynote and PowerPoint as a backup.
Audio System/Monitor:
The audio system should have external speakers and an audio/video monitor on stage. Please ensure decent quality speakers with no noise interference when James walks directly in front of audio speakers.
Projector and Screen:
The projector should be rear facing and be placed to the side of the stage (not in the immediate center of the stage). For larger events, please have a screen and projector on either side of the stage synced for presentation. Larger audiences require larger screens. Please accommodate.
A Raised Stage/Platform and Seating:
If audience is more than 100 people please have staging or risers to ensure entire audience gets the most out of the presentation. Please have first row a maximum of 2-3 meters from the stage to ensure the audience is completely engaged. Have attendants/ushers make sure that audience moves forward and fills front rows of the seating arrangement.
Available Seating for Latecomers:
The last 3-5 rows of seating are to be roped off and kept available for latecomers to sit without disturbing others.
Front Stage and Side Stage Stairs:
Placed front stage centre to allow James to walk down into the audience and volunteers to come up on stage. Also at the side stage towards the side of the room that James will be entering and leaving.
One Circular Cocktail Table or Podium:
Placed front stage center for James’s laptop, notes and water. Most hotels have a ready supply of these 4' high tables and will drape it with a cloth for aesthetics. Use a podium if cocktail table isn't available. Also, two bar stools on back centre stage if possible or two chairs if bar stools aren't available. (If this is part of a larger event with a specific set up, then James will go with the flow of the event and current stage set up.)
Mandatory Sound Check:
James requires 30 minutes with an AV technician minimum one hour before event. No guests should be allowed in the event room during James’s sound check so the presentation isn't ruined for them. If possible have a row in the centre of the chairs for James to walk down to engage with audience.
Audio Headsets:
Events where language translation is needed, please use audio headsets. Translation should be simultaneous with James’s presentation.
iPhone/iPod dock or connection (back up CD Player):
The iPhone/iPod dock or connection should be plugged into the audio system for background music when applicable. James has music backed up onto CD so please have a backup CD player.
Event Scheduling and Timing:
Please ensure that all speaking engagements, presentations and seminars are to be scheduled between 9AM and 5PM. All sponsor recognition or other contributions should be scheduled after James Erdt’s presentation. We request politely the introduction be read as provided so we keep your program on time.
Private Prep/Rest Room:
For full-day or half-day events, please provide a Private Prep/Rest Room at the venue to accommodate James Erdt when not on the stage. This room will serve as a quiet space before, during and after breaks in order to prepare and renew.
Hydration and Nutrition:
2-3 SEALED water bottles with labels removed on stage and in Private Prep/Rest Room. For full-day or half-day events please provide lunch.
Photography and Video Recording:
Please mention to the audience – prior to James Erdt's introduction – that recording of or taking photos during his presentation are permitted and encouraged. We kindly ask that photos taken of James Erdt get hash tagged #jameserdt. Official photographers contracted by our client may also take photos. If possible, we would love to receive 5-10 photos from the event photographer for our own portfolio and social media purposes as well please and thank you.
James Erdt - Introduction for Emcee
Request to Introducer:
Thank you kindly for introducing James Erdt. Please read this page verbatim. A clear and short introduction has been provided for you to make it simple for you. Thank you in advance for your co-operation. If you have any questions, please call +1 (647) 205-7827 or email info@jameserdt.com.
Introduction to be read: (Please read and practice before introducing to ensure fluidity)
James Erdt is a sought-after speaker, award winning author, success coach and philanthropist plus the public TV Host of ‘The DYNAMO Show’. He has been featured on Rogers TV, CBC, CBS, BT, City TV, Muchmusic and in the Toronto Star, Mississauga News as well as numerous fitness magazines and websites.
James is the ‘Chief Architect of WOW’ for DYNAMO Entrepreneur, which is an innovative, socially responsible organization, dedicated to guiding people of all ages, predominantly visionaries, thought-leaders and game-changers.
By creating leading edge products, popular social networks and engaging events, he consistently strives to better people and inclusively enhance the world for all.
Paying it forward, James is the CHAIR of the REVIVER Rejuvenation Ranch for at-risk youth supporting teens, to make positive and proactive decisions to live healthier, safer and better lives especially for those who have lost their way.
James Erdt's mission statement is “Sustainably empowering people, prosperity and planet!”
Today he will support you with valuable tips, tools and some of his best success secrets inspiring joy, abundance and healthy active living! It is our pleasure and honour to have him here live with us today.
Please put your hands together and give James Erdt a warm welcome everyone!!!