“WOW WEE, for those who have not heard of James Karl Erdt is one of the most amazing individual you will every meet. His heart, spirit and soul has been given to helping those around him and those children he's been fortunate to bless. I humbly recommend you follow his story, as I'm sure you will be touched, inspired and blessed by him just like my wife Tammy and I have. You are a gift Mr. James Erdt… a BIG GIFT.”
~ David Stanley (Global Operations Control Specialist – FedEx)
~ Randi Goodman (Director – Toronto Women’s Expo)
"During the 2017 Equity Conference: Walking forward together…towards positive change, students had the privilege to hear how choices they make can always have a positive outcome. James Erdt helped the students from Ascension of Our Lord, Holy Cross and St. Raphael, to strive for success regardless of the obstacles they face. James was inspiring, motivational and engaging. His artistic ability enhanced the presentation which allowed amazing moments for students to reflect on who they are and how they can contribute to a better community. By having James Erdt speak to our school community, helped our students to lead by example."
~ Lorian Feres (Director of the Equity Conference, Ascension of Our Lord C.S.S)
"James Erdt is the definition of reinventing yourself. He shares his experiences and background from the heart to influence, empower and uplift all those in the room. It is hard not to feel this as you receive and understand his background, his life and his future. Truly a visionary, James has unique ideas and an amazing ability to captivate. James' strengths are in presenting, he is like no other and would be an asset on any stage."
~ Michelle Ricketts (COHESION, Event & Project Coordination)
"You know sharing experiences is such a rewarding way to grow. I can't help but feel the pull to just do that very thing right here, right now. So Thursday night I had my 1x1 with the amazing James Karl Erdt. WOW is all I can say!!! See everyone needs someone. Coaches need Coaches and of all walks of life. Personal, Professional, Spiritual. Doctors need doctors...Mechanics need Mechanics it's just the way it is. We are all just sailing along. I no longer day dream of where I'd like to be but more importantly I'm making my way there. Slow and steady I will win my race. James' coaching was so effective that today my issues that were crushing me are three quarters resolved. So amazing what spreading love does for ones wellness!"
~ Mary Fidilio (Life
“Very very informative presentation. Gave very helpful advice which was useful and not intimidating. James has a great skill of keeping the audience engaged from beginning to end. His enjoyable positive speech gave perspectives on how teens could and should manage and potentially invest their money in themselves as an entrepreneur. James gave valuable lessons based on practical experience on how to run a business whether amateur or veteran, teen or adult.”
~ Michaela W. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
“Great material and lessons. High energy and presentation was clearly laid out. Very helpful and informative. Very intriguing intro and overall wonderful presentation with the lessons given and the stories told. Wish this session lasted much longer so I could learn more from James’ wisdom and business experiences.”
~ Anjali K. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)

"James Erdt is such an inspirational speaker. He woke me up!!!!! When in his presence I can feel his energy and passion. It's contagious!! He inspires me to believe in myself and what I can accomplish. He made the event so exciting! I could really feel the energy in the room. I came away with a more solid outlook on my future with new skills and techniques to better my professional and personal growth. Thank you all for your time and breadth of knowledge."
~ Carol Sbranchella (CTC Golf and Turf, Equipment Operator)
"I attended James' speech at the occasion of the "Bring Your Own Boss Conference"... James was the first speaker. He started the day in the best possible way, using very powerful words and ideas while remaining very simple and in touch with his audience. James' teaching is the result of a strong personal human experience that touched me directly to my core. He is a talented speaker who will undeniably meet a lot of success in his career."
~ Emmanuel Gallant (Operations Director)
"Today has been filled with divine blessings! First I had the honour of spending the day with James Karl Erdt. Thank you James, for being the amazing man that you are! I am awe-inspired by your knowledge and wisdom, the timing in the deliverance of your presence in my life, and the door of opportunities you have opened today. I am forever grateful to have the fortune of working along side a man of your character, driven by alignment, love, integrity, passion,and soul! I look forward to pursuing the many adventures that are to come! Thank you for being you, and for being the blessing you are to this world! You are appreciated!"
~ Victoria Chapman (Leader Of Love -Insight Advocate at Awe-Thentic Vibrations)
"James Erdt and the DYNAMO Entrepreneur team has been instrumental in my journey in creating greatness in all areas of life. His mentorship has taken me to new levels and opened my mind to endless possibility. Grateful to have him at my side!"
~ David Pineo (Wealth Management Specialist and Investor)
"Meeting James Erdt is a blessing. I thank God daily for bringing James into my life for his support, encouragement, integrity, kindness like I've never experienced before, work ethic, professionalism, and being open to opinions and really listening. The man has no ego just confidence and a big heart to want to give and help others get to where they wanna go. To reach their goals their dreams. He treats you with the upmost respect and impowers women to reach their highest potential and do it with love. Thank you James my soul brother, I can't thank you enough."
~ Serwa Peace
“James Erdt is the best presenter from the entire Camp Enterprise weekend. He was energetic, intriguing and honest about his experiences in life and business. I was amazed by his real life examples, stories of overcoming challenges in life and the highly valuable information shared. James is definitely somebody I will remember and continue to learn from. I am very grateful to have met him and he took time after his keynote speech to personally connect with me and a long lineup of students that wanted to speak with him. James didn't leave until everybody got a turn to connect with him in person and a selfie photo!” :)
~ Vikash B. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
“I’ve never had a chance to hear James Erdt present before, however his energetics style and relatable content captured the undivided attention of every student in the room which is not an easy thing to do. He gave an amazing speech that delivered on all cylinders. He was raw, real and practical with a straight-shooting, no BS style which I liked.”
~ Heather R. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
(Women Empowerment Leader and Global Love Advocate)

"James Erdt's story moved everyone and made it real. There were tips and golden nuggets flowing the entire time he spoke about his passions, business ventures and humanitarian work. I didn't know what to expect and invited him to speak with an open mind. The Real Estate Club was started around the idea of all of us sharing knowledge and information... and SHARING he most certainly did! Not only that but there was so much practical advice that everyone in the room could benefit from including myself. It is exciting, inspiring and empowering to have people like James Erdt in this world walking right beside us while we create our own paths. Thanks James... you do good work in this world my friend."
~ Todor Yordanov (Real Estate Investor & Serial Entrepreneur)
"James Erdt is on a mission to empower people of all ages to live their lives to their fullest potential. I had the privilege to attend one of his keynotes and was blown away by his enthusiasm and stage presence. His story by itself is inspiring yet the passion with which he delivers his message leaves you motivated beyond measure. He teaches powerful concepts with deep clarity allowing his listeners to fully absorb the information and that encourages us to take action. He’s a man who’s got your back and who can’t use a little of that?!"
~ Josephine Auciello (Feminine Body Wisdom)
"James is a poised and confident speaker. He communicates with ease and comfort showing no sign of nerves. He connects with his audience through eye contact and has clear enunciation and good speech volume. It was a pleasure to hear his story and inspiring to learn of the personal growth he developed from his life’s trials that many of us can relate to as entrepreneurs. James can hold his audience's attention in effort to connect with them from start to finish. I recommend anyone or any group of individuals seeking life balance and better health to hear what James has to say."
~ Eleni Atkinson (Principal - Virgil Communications Agency)
“When James Erdt speaks from the heart, you feel the energy from his smile and aura. He draws the audience in with his charismatic, yet real, raw and gritty story telling. James takes you on a journey from darkness to total light in the mesmerizing chapters of his life. This level of honesty is very rare and inspires, motivates and educates the listener to look within their very own life. When entertaining his audience, he brings out the best in them by involving all of them in active participation making each person feel special! I highly recommend James as a keynote speaker! He is most definitely a rare gem!”
~ Jennifer Ettinger (Founder, Fit Your Style / Best Selling Author “Find Your Inner Goddess”)
"In the first 17 years of my life I have always been told that one bad decision can ruin your entire life. However after meeting this inspirational guy, I have realized that a single good decision can too make your life. Yes, it is James Erdt I am talking about. I met him at Rotary International Camp Enterprise, and now he is in my list of role models. Maybe it was his public speaking skills or the story itself, but I have become a fan of James Erdt. He has taught me a life time lesson of hope; there is always a hope to change, to grow or to better oneself no matter how horrible your past was. I would personally like to thank you for coming to Camp Enterprise and sharing your experience, it surely did a part of building my life. I am so inspired of you now, that I tell your story to every next person I meet. May God bless you and give you more success."
~ Urooj Manzoor (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
“James gave many key valuable lessons from the business world that will help the teens in attendance start their own ventures. This in addition to sharing various ways to earn/save money at a young age in order to invest in themselves was essential information that all young people should hear. It was very interesting to learn how James started his life with the challenges that he overcame in order to change it for the better. I loved his quote about it never being too late to be great!”
~ Nadeem L. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
“Very enthusiastic presenter and had me engaged and interested at all times. Learned great insights into how to prepare for an interview or build a social enterprise. James Erdt was definitely my favourite presenter from the entire Camp Enterprise lineup of speakers.”
~ Valerie S. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
(Mississauga Secondary School, Rotary Camp Enterprise)

"James Erdt is a perfectionist who brings an incredible vision and immeasurable work ethic to the task at hand! His high energy, ambition and drive on and off the stage is not only admirable, but makes him an absolute joy to work with. There are few individuals in today’s business world who possess his business ethics, commitment and passion! James is a dynamic, entertaining and witty speaker. He will WOW you! Definitely delivers bang for your buck! Money well spent."
~ Michael Ryan Thibodeau (Founder, MRT Concepts Inc. / FSI VP)
"I am so privileged to write this letter of reference for James Erdt. James is an inspiration to many youth and adults in our community and dedicates a great deal of time and energy to assisting youth in need, providing support to numerous not-for-profit causes and recently joined the Board of Directors of Community Youth in Action Network (CYAN) as Chair. James has supported our organization as a volunteer since its inception and has participated and assisted with numerous events such as our Kerr St. BBQ to help under-privileged youth of the Halton Housing Communities, our garage sale fundraiser and many, many more. James never misses an opportunity to share his passion about youth with those around him and we look forward to engaging him as a mentor in our educational sessions as we know the value he brings to engaging children and youth in the area of fitness and nutrition. James is not only generous in sharing both his time and talent, but is so genuine in his concern and love for his peers and the youth of our community. He has achieved so much in his entrepreneurial endeavors but what is truly remarkable is his willingness and ability to share his achievements with others who could most benefit – the youth of our community."
~ Madeleine Buhlau (Executive Director, CYAN - Community Youth in Action)
"James Erdt is an excellent communicator. Although he possesses a high level of knowledge and understanding in fitness, muscle building, diet and nutrition he can and does patiently communicate his knowledge at a ground level so that even those that do not have the high level of understanding can comprehend his simple explanation of a complex subject. His attitude and demeanor express his caring and consideration for others. He personifies the thought that it is nice to be important but more important to be nice. He genuinely cares about people and making their lives better through fitness and healthy living. James obviously has a lot on his plate but still finds the time to care and look after others along the way and it also seems those that are out of his way. He works to expand his business but more importantly he finds the time to help others to see the strength with in themselves and to work with them to set goals that they can believe in and attain."
~ Milt Flynn (Central Zone Manager, Yokohama Tire Canada Inc.)
“There are some people you meet for the first time and you feel like you have known them your whole life... you instantly bond and build a trust and a friendship with them. It feels like you can always rely and trust them. For me, James was one of those people. He is always warm and welcoming and has a heart of gold. When you find great people who welcome you with open arms, it is wise to stick with them and keep them close, as they will be your friends for life. Some people have an ‘IT’ factor. You can’t explain it, but when you meet certain people, something about them just stands out. Not all people have it, however famous people are like this. I have met a few celebrities in my lifetime that were very ‘blah’ and often wondered how they were so successful in their careers when they lacked ‘energy’. When you meet James, you feel the opposite. He cares and has an ‘energy’ that is warm, alive and exciting. One that makes you want to do better for yourself and become a better person. His network has become unstoppable! Along with his success he will continue to help others achieve their dreams.”
~ Candice Kay (Commercial Manager, Michelin Canada)
"Let me begin by saying that meeting James Erdt back in May '13 changed my life. Since meeting James I have been living an even healthier lifestyle with the added excitement of fitness competitions and modeling - two things that I always dreamed of doing but never imagined I could actually see to fruition. I met James at a children's fundraising dinner. He approached me kindly, out of the blue to suggest that I consider competing in fitness competitions and provided me with information on his Fitness STAR Network and the August 2013 competition. I felt that my thoughts for competing and becoming a fitness model were validated because it was actually someone within the Industry who actually told ME that I have what it takes. The validation quickly changed to motivation. After a few inspiring discussions with James and some time gone by to come to a decision, I decided to go through with it. This decision was a result of a number of things including James' resonating encouragement and motivation. He was thrilled for me! I also felt safe. James never proved me wrong. It was because of his professionalism and caring demeanor that I knew I was not about to enter this 'new world ' alone or make a fool of myself. James is a man of honesty, integrity and truly cares about seeing one succeed. Since first meeting him I have grown to trust him as a professional and as a friend. As I look back at that first meeting I laugh at my initial skepticism. In my opinion because of what I have experiences, James Erdt truly cares about others and when he says he sees a 'star' in you, he means it and will be there on the sidelines cheering you on and give you the 'talks', tips and recommendations he thinks you may need to reach your fullest potential. My fiance and I feel his energy, passion to see others shine and his kind soul. The World needs more people like James Erdt. He has a natural ability to help others recognize and reach their own amazing potential. Thank you James for helping me see and reach mine."
~ Susana Andres
“I loved James Erdt’s positive style and how he engaged with the entire audience making everybody feel included. He had a clear voice and gave those who wanted a chance to speak an opportunity to share. I really like that he shared his life story and I learned a lot from his 5 F Word System for Life Balance. It was enjoyable to see him use the visual display of the beads and the balls to explain his theories. I wish that he didn't have to rush too much at the end because he was running out of time. I hope to see and hear James speak again in the future.”
~ Angelique R. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
“Truly amazing presentation! Best presenter of the entire camp enterprise speaker lineup. Very helpful information. Friendly and interactive presenter. Very enthusiastic and I enjoyed James’ stories. Made great connections with all the campers and nobody felt left out.”
~ Michael B. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
(Business Development Officer, Sick Kids Hospital Toronto) 

“I have known James for over 10 years. He has always been at the top in sales as a personal trainer in every fitness facility he has worked at, including mine. James has worked with me at Bodizone and Results Fitness Studio Inc. a combination of 4 years. His knowledge in fitness and training, passion to help people and leadership in business exceeds anyone I have ever worked with. James is a great inspiration to many fitness professionals, including myself.”
~ Peter Pusitz (Founder, Results Fitness Studio Inc.)
“James Erdt is a great ambassador of fitness! I have looked up to James over many years while working with him on various fitness projects. James is a true fitness professional as well as role model to others. I have benefited tremendously from the knowledge James has given me as he has pointed me in the right direction when it came to BIG fitness decisions. James is not only a mentor to me, but also has become a great friend. I look forward to working with him on future projects and helping others do well in the Fitness Industry.”
~ Leroy Bascombe (Founder / Personal Trainer, Lean Body Studio)
“I have known James Erdt professionally for a decade. We were Fitness Managers in Canada's largest health club chain and rivals for top position in personal training sales every month for five years. James is the most positive and highly motivated person I know and stands out as one of the few professionals in the fitness industry I admire and respect. James’ passion and dedication to the fitness industry is what made me join him and his Fitness STAR International organization as the International Head Judge.”
~ Darrin Robinson (Founder, Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness Training)
“I have been working with James Erdt for many years with Empowered Nutrition and seen him succeed and grow from a top level personal trainer to PT sales master and a global brand helping other fitness professionals with exposure and success. As a friend, a sounding board and a vendor for Joyzone and Fitness STAR International, I can safely say that James is an exceptionally qualified business leader and very successful entrepreneur. As a six-figure plus fitness professional James Erdt will most certainly support you to be one too and join the elite group of professionals helping others.”
~ Patrick McGuire (Founder, Empowered Nutrition Products Inc.)
"I am writing you this today to let you know that my good friend James Erdt helped me succeed in the fitness industry. He got me started at a big box club and that propelled my fitness career. In fact, I have created a multiple 6 figure Personal Training business with which I give him some credit for. He gave me the belief and inspiration that I could make it in the fitness industry and that the sky was the limit. Thanks James for my start, I will see you at the finish line!"
~ Robert Foster
“Loved his presentation very much. James Erdt’s humourous style and enthusiastic personality made the whole thing very entertaining and interesting. Loved all the visuals and he kept me engaged until the end. He was the only presenter who didn't stand in one place which was nice. He kept moving to different areas of the room engaging with the audience. Very well done.”
~ Veronica S. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
“James Erdt is a great speaker!! The whole presentation and the PowerPoint slides were engaging and fit the audience well. He gave great lifelong skills on how to earn and save money plus how to run a social enterprise business. Very motivating and it demonstrated that you should take control of your life at an early age. Showed a very positive outlook on life. A very different presentation than the other speakers which was awesome. James was the most memorable presenter by far and I would like to see him again at future Camp Enterprise or Rotary International events.”
~ Andreas M. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
(President, Trainers On Site Inc.) 

"Out of all the experts in the field of health and wellness, no one has defined personal training better than James Erdt. With his devoted passion to fitness his knowledge of the industry shines and will motivate you to reach that next level in your career as a personal trainer. As a friend and business partner James has been there to help my companies and I to experience new heights. You are in the hands of an expert who cares about why you want to be successful!".
~ Angella Goran (Founder / President Jok Wear and Sok Jok)
"What determines the strength or measure of a man? Is it his accomplishments, his accolades, his accumulation of wealth, the letters behind his name or is it his ability to step outside the confines of that which he does to hear your wants and your needs and then do all in his cache to empower you to reach where it is you need to be... Does he take pride in making it his mission to bettering those around him simply because he can... Sometimes in order to ascertain the measure of a man, knowing and hearing is simply not enough. Get beside them, and allow yourself to experience a welcomed difference. James Erdt - A Man Indeed. Working professionally with James, one can find he not only possesses a strong work ethic, but maintains a sense of integrity. Being aptly knowledgeable in his offerings, he also daily strives to better himself in all measures. The most crucial component to his measure however, is his point to focus on the individuality of any he encounters, works with or advises."
~ Anthony Pereira (Founder, Train or Be Trained, Achieva Fit & Well)
"James Erdt has helped me in so many different ways! He started as my personal trainer however ended up not only being a great mentor but also showed me that thinking positively and not doubting yourself creates positive outcomes and a happy stress free life! Working with James gave me the confidence I needed and got me where I am today! He transformed me physically and mentally! Thanks for everything James!"
~ Justine Munro (IFBB PRO CHAMPION / Fitness Celebrity)
“James Erdt is a man of honesty and integrity. He puts his all into everything he does and he is often working hard to benefit others. I definitely feel lucky to be a part of his network and his personal circle. His gratitude and entrepreneurial spirit is truly rare in today’s society. No matter what the project or the task at hand, James is able to make it a success through his ability to overcome any obstacle. He strives for perfection and positive change while looking to once again help those around him. Thank you James for everything you have done!”
~ Leo Barbe (Published author, award-winning advocate, Founder Think Don't Shoot Inc.)
"I've known James Erdt for close to 10 years now and I've always looked up to him. I've seen him continuously exceed quota when we worked at Family Fitness together. James has been one of my most inspiring mentors in life and in business. I was one of the fortunate people to see James start up Joyzone Inc. and Fitness STAR International from the ground up while maintaining a full time job as a Health Center Manager. James always told me that every person on this planet has the power to live their dreams and after saying it, he proved it to me by living his. I've learned so much about sales and many other aspects of business from James, mainly how to deal with people in a positive manner. James is the type of person who will leave you with more value than he takes from you. He's more interested in your success than his own. I've learned to turn my life around with these 2 basic concepts and as a result I'm now earning a stable 5 figure monthly income in my own business! James is like a brother to me and I aspire to follow in his foot steps and possibly work on a big project with him."
~ Leon Pereira
“James Erdt was one of my favourite speakers. He gave good advice on how to do a job interview and how your life should be at a young age by being aware of your choices in the now which is the only moment he said we have. He reminded us not to let others dictate our lives and to take charge by taking massive action towards our business goals and life dreams to make them come true faster. I wish he had more time in his session to tell us more valuable information and life lessons. James is a very wise person to learn from.”
~ Santiago L. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
“Best one for me! James Erdt rhymed good in his rap song which kept all the students interested and engaged big time! He told us his life story and used examples of how he overcame his challenges when he was a teenager which was very valuable for us to hear. Great use of equipment and visuals.”
~ Dillan W. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student) (Marketing Executive at Green Organics)

"I've had the opportunity to work with James Erdt on several projects over the past couple of years from fitness DVD productions to live events and North American Fitness Talent Searches. To sum James up in a couple lines is difficult but to summarize let's just say that James "Get's it." He looks at our industry from the perspective of someone with no boundaries or limitations and understands that we are fortunate to live in an era where anyone is capable of being their own "Fitness Brand". The sky is the limit for all of us and the sky is certainly the limit for James. From the global Fitness STR Network to lucrative income streams in social media, public speaking, Health & Wellness... James has built his brand on hard work, networking and taking advantage of simple everyday techniques and strategies that are easily adaptable readily available to all of us. If you're goal in fitness is to step up, stand out and make some money... consider James Erdt exhibit "A".
~ Regan Rogerson (Executive Director, 208 Entertainment Inc.)
"I have known James Erdt for a little over a year now and I truly am blessed that our paths have crossed. I have worked with James on two different occasions and have been blown away by his professionalism, drive and passion for the fitness industry. James' willingness to provide an avenue to help others strive to be all that they can be is what put James above the rest..... James Erdt is a TRUE entrepreneur!"
~ Jennifer Simons-Jakovcic (The Fitness & Lifestyle Sports Fest and Expo)
"I have only known James for a short while, but I must say that he is very genuine and true to his words. He is very trust worthy and has a special way of connecting and inspiring others. His great passion for the fitness industry and commitment to helping others is without doubt outstanding! I am honored to have met James and to know him!"
~ Sylvia Thiessen (Founder and Designer, Elite FX Custom Swim Wear)
"James Erdt, you have created a fitness world that is competitive but fun, energetic and entertaining! I can't say enough about the Fitness STAR Staff and Crew... So professional, so full of energy, so accommodating! The competitors were friendly, entertaining and a joy to be with for the day! I met so many beautiful, fun loving people that I will remember forever! The experience will live in my memory for a lifetime and was beyond my expectations! Special thanks to the Fitness STAR Team and most importantly James Erdt! Fitness STAR; YOU are the future of Fitness Competition!"
~ Kim Crevar
“James Erdt made me think a lot during his presentation. Especially about challenges I have to overcome in my own life so now I have some better tools to do that. I am very grateful for him being so honest and telling us his story without editing it like most teachers would. Even the occasional swearword was OK because it hit the point home that he was making. He definitely got everybody's attention throughout the entire presentation. Very funny at times and gave great real world examples.”
~ Cynthia R. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
(Owner, Club Monaco Nails) 

"With glitz, glamour, sass & class Fitness STAR International successfully wowed our city with its first show! It was an organized, well-run event full of fun & interactive surprises for the audience. With an abundance of 'shwag' handed out, the participants & audience left the show on a high positive note! Well done James Erdt and Team FSI! Congratulations and keep growing strong!"
~ Carmen Dignazio (Shred It Fitness Personal Training)
"James Erdt always delivers a passionate message that will both motivate and inspire you! He speaks from the heart about subjects that will touch you! I just saw him speak at the end of my 12 hour day and he had the room buzzing!!"
~ Roy Reedon (Principle - R Hollywood)
"I just wanted to make a point of mentioning what a great experience it was to have met James K Erdt from Fitness STAR!! Between all of your positive and inspirational posts each day and just listening to your outlook on living; you taught me to be proud of who and what I am!! Because of you and my experience from this competition I will definitely train harder, live better and love more each day!! Thank u so much!"
~ Linda Saltelli (Fitness STAR Model)
"Dear James. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be present in your keynote speech. It was truly an amazing and inspiring experience. You are a truly honest and powerful speaker who have the rare capacity to motivate and change people's lives. Will look forward to see you as a great success!"
~ Arun Bandyo (CEO - ThotBox)
"James Erdt is a real and dedicated visionary."
~ Mark Alfano (Independent Film Producer)
"Meeting James Erdt was a great experience. He told us many new things about himself and how he got to where he is now. For a long time I was very nervous because I thought he was going to be strict. I took this interview as a job interview but it was the total opposite. The first time I walked in he was standing across the room waiting to do his speech. Right at that moment I knew he was the person who we got to meet. I just had a strong feeling. He was standing proud and strong. That gave me an idea of his character. But never judge a book by its cover. In the speech, he talked about picking an animal. We had to pick three animals. The first was for how the world sees you, how you see the world, and who you really are. That was a fun game to play, thinking of an animal that represents you. After that he talked about how he got here. He started off by saying once I took drugs and that lead to more and more drug abuse. His story had a big affect on me because after he didn’t want to do that anymore so he started training in a gym and from there he got noticed by many companies and got many awards. He changed his life real quick. By the end of that it got me thinking how small decisions can change a person’s life. And how he owns 3 companies and met a billionaire. Just from doing drugs to a successful life where he gets to travel all around the world. As he sat down with us he was very enthusiastic. He gave high fives and laughed along with us. He was a good person to hang around and talk to. He was outgoing and very respectful when we were talking. I think he gets that by meeting new people everyday and talking about his touching story. His team and friends and himself had guided him to where he is now. He had made some great decisions by quitting drugs. One thing he talked about that was really thoughtful was when he was going to meet a billionaire in Bombay. Instead of going to meet him, James went to an orphanage to see the poor children who didn’t have writing supplies. His team was really mad but he was a big person and wanted to give back. After a few days he gets a call from a billionaire wanting to talk to him about what he did. That was the most interesting way of how he got here, just by small choices he made and what the benefits of giving back. James Erdt is a great man and I learned it is never too late to change your life around and want it what you like."
~ Joben S.
“Very inspirational guy… James delivered on his topic of teen entrepreneurship and especially business networking which was very helpful. Great demo with the balls and the beads for his 5 F Word formula. Made it fun for everybody to watch instead of a boring slide-show presentation. I loved the part on how to either get a great job or create one… Meanwhile being the best at what you do no matter what you do and all honest work is noble work. I wish James had more time for his presentation as he had to rush at the end to get all of the information to us. He left all the students wanting more so I'm sure they want to see him again next year at Camp Enterprise. James Erdt was the best speaker.”
~ Viktor W. (Rotary International - Camp Enterprise Student)
(Grade 8 Student, Castlemore Public School)
James Erdt is available for speaking engagements, public appearances & success coaching.
For bookings, please contact his team using the 'Contact' form on this site. Thank you.