To Hell and Back on Track
Lived a young reality of sinful perception,
by drug induced feelings of self-deception,
leading to crime, gang life, violence and pain,
offering me street knowledge as my only gain.
Survived day to day with no end in sight,
higher than high in search of great heights,
putting my soul through the ultimate test,
with friends not making it, finding peace in rest.
Making decisions with poor misguided choices,
surrounding myself with too many bad voices,
I manifested my world into one ugly mess,
where weakness was punished without forgiveness.
It ‘s where the strong survive by fierce fighting,
and dealers show love by tempers igniting,
with unwritten rules from the code of the street,
like respect and belonging where the brave compete.
It’s a never-ending cycle of misery and depression,
with ripple effects of trauma and no confession,
I’ve battled the battle being addicted to addiction,
and lived a lie of a life with self-contradiction.
Taking care of business was taking care of me,
lured by false abundance was all I could see,
by attracting negativity and fighting the fight,
visions of hope and happiness were out of sight.
Now this way of being played tricks on my mind,
plus it forced me to leave my youth behind.
I lost my loved ones, my goals and my dreams,
enduring this nightmare screaming silent screams.
After years as a prisoner to my poor decisions,
I overdosed and shocked my life into revision.
I did it my way with no regrets and I chanced,
moving and grooving with the devil, I danced.
Taking the road less traveled on my way to hell,
someone must love me as I was saved by the bell
Lucky to survive, one more test I passed,
with the attitude of gratitude I had a blast.
I began to pick up positive momentum and speed,
living the law of attraction with no more greed,
staying humble, compassionate, giving and kind,
being good to my body, my soul and my mind.
Always remember that all storms will clear,
and better tomorrows will always appear.
Never give up as we only fail when we quit,
so keep focused on staying healthy and fit!
Guide from mistakes to give inspiration,
by sharing wisdom and pure motivation.
Simply be good to our sisters and brothers,
as the secret of life is found in giving to others!
James Erdt
- Celebrating 15 years of drug-free, divinely guided living